Mexico city, Mexico
RIIAA brings together the Latin American artificial intelligence (AI) ecosystem. Emphasizing the interaction between regional actors, as well as the academic and industrial communities, in order to catalyze the development, adaptation and use of AI in the region.
This year, RIIAA will be hosted simultaneously in Mexico City, Mexico, as well as in Quito, Ecuador. Like in previous years, there will be a virtual component to complement the in-person events.

The in-person conference in Mexico will take place on Thursday, September 29th only. The conference offers a rich technical program and networking opportunities.
Spotlight speakers will be sharing their expertise in their fields of knowledge, their work within the AI ecosystem and applications they work on, and their perspective on the future of AI.
Marco Mascorro - CEO, Fellow Robots
Spotlight talk
Marco Mascorro is a Mexican engineer who has revolutionized the industry thanks to his advances in robotics working with Fellow Robots. Marco Mascorro was nominated by MIT as one of its Innovators under 35, as well as being named in the Forbes 30 under 30 list. He worked at the BMW Group's Innovation and Research Center in Germany. Marco Mascorro also worked at the Kanazawa Institute of Technology in Japan building a humanoid nuclear scanning robot for rescue and an autonomous wheelchair controlled by voice commands. He joined the faculty of Singularity University at NASA's Silicon Valley Research Park as an Assistant Professor of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. He was a robotics professor at Monterrey Institute of Technology, a mentor for the FIRST Robotics Competition, and has been participating in robot competitions and exhibitions for the past 10 years. Currently with his work at Fellow Robots, he has created machines that go around stores and keep business inventories up to date. Additionally, the LoweBots can perform customer service roles.
Tenoch González - Cloud Solution Architect, Microsoft
Como se integra Inteligencia Artificial en lo cotidiano.
En esta plática se hará un breve resumen de los esfuerzos de investigación y desarrollo de Microsoft en IA. Se presentarán casos de éxito de adopción de IA. Y cómo personas y organizaciones pueden beneficiarse e incluir IA de Microsoft en sus procesos.
Tenoch has more than 10 years of experience as a consultant, entrepreneur and professor. Throughout his career he has developed new products and technologies with international reach and founded two technology startups. He currently serves as a Cloud Architect at Microsoft and is mentor at Unreasonable Mexico. He headed delegation to China to assess potential partner’s technology and business, Tenoch defined projects and POC with Chinese partners. He helped to define the strategy with a finance team in India to conduct negotiations with potential allies and competitors, and aquired experience doing engineering design in Germany. Tenoch founded two companies providing Data services: Balam, Location Analytics and Liichi, Analytics for Civil Engineering. Some other projects of Tenoch include end to end data scrapping and analysis for social networks and web sites, Control Systems for Electro-Hydraulic and Electro-Mechanical Systems including mathematical modeling, feedback control design and tuning.

SEPTEMBER 29- IA in LATAM Industries
The industry panel gathers speakers from different industrial areas. They will introduce us to the developments that AI has in their industry applications, and will also show us a glimpse of the impact that AI has on our Latin American society.
Enviromental Data Scientist
Head of Data Science
Co-Founder & CTO
Tec de Monterrey

SEPTEMBER 29 - Academic Perspective of AI in LATAM
In this panel, researchers and leaders from Academia in Mexico will talk about their projects, their trajectory working and collaborating in the development of AI, and their efforts to advance and democratize AI research in LATAM.
Head of the PhD program in Artificial Intelligence
IIIA Universidad Veracruzana
Machine Learning Researcher
Tec de Monterrey
Research Associate
Research Professor
Tec de Monterrey

SEP 30 to OCT 01 - Summer School

AI in Material Sciences
EDA de datasets moleculares. Sep 30, 9am - Fernanda Saldivar González - UNAM
Lenguaje Julia en el modelamiento de materiales usando Machine Learning. Oct 1, 9am - Leticia María Pequeno - UFSC
AI & Finance
Aplicaciones de IA en Finanzas. Sep 30, 9am - León Palafox - Algortihia & Grupo Salinas
Aprendizaje reforzado. Sep 30, 11am - Antonio J. Segura - Orenes Group
Optimización de hiperparámetros de una red Long-Short Term Memory con Particle Swarm Optimization. Sep 30, 5pm - Francisco Pedroza - UNAM
AI in finance: practical applications and ethical considerations. Oct 1, 9am - Ekaterina Svetlova - University of Twente
[CANCELADO] Riesgo de Crédito: Inteligencia artificial aplicada a la probabilidad de incumplimiento. Oct 1, 11am - Omar Briceño Cruzado, Advanced Risk Services
AI & Education
Aprendizaje Reforzado. Sep 30, 11am - Antonio J. Segura - Orenes Group
Human Computer Interaction in Artificial Intelligence. Oct 1, 9am - Saiph Savage - Northeastern University, Carla Griggio - Aarhus University , Marisol Wong-Villacres - ESPOL.
AI Fundamentals
¿Qué es IA? Sep 30, 9am - Benjamín Sánchez-Lengeling - Google
Data A-to-Z: How to get data for AI? Sep 30 11am - Natalia Fedorova - Toloka
Transferencia de conocimiento: ¿Cómo reusar conocimiento en redes neuronales? Sep 30, 3pm - Berenice Montalvo & Ricardo Montalvo - IIMAS, UNAM
Razonando con Deep Learning. Sep 30, 6pm - Andrés Campero - State of the Art & MIT
Creando demos para Machine Learning. Oct 1, 9am - Omar Sanseviero - Hugging Face
ML y Optimización. Oct 1, 11am - Antonio Del Río-Chanona - Imperial College
Note: All times are in CDT time zone.
Our last two days are dedicated to our popular summer school, where attendees can learn from experts about various AI topics through hands-on workshops organized in different tracks.
On September 30th and October 1st, the summer school will be held virtually (in zoom) between 9am to 7pm CDT (Friday) and 9am to 1pm CDT (Saturday).


CirCos will be held on in-person on the 29th at the conference venue. Note: We also have CirCos virtual on the 28th in Hopin, check them out!
Also known as CirCos, they are self-organized, informal, interactive discussion sessions inspired by Birds of Feather (BoF). CirCos provides a space for interested attendees to meet in small groups to exchange ideas and form allies on issues of common interest. These topics may be directly or indirectly related to the topics covered during the RIIAA conference.